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blog posts by heidi

do you have insomnia?
Hey, Heidi here! I used to have really bad insomnia until I went on meds for BiPolar. Then the insomnia went away. But yeah, up until 8...

do you have an x on your birth certificate?
Heidi here - yes! I got one in the spring time after years of getting all my paper work together. And yes, it was a big pain to do so! ...

do you have like a million friends?
Heidi here. I have a few really good friends, and a million people I know from working in community for years. If you're walking...

do you live in a cabin in the woods?
Isn't that the witchy dream???? At least, it is for me. I don't live in a cabin though, I live in east van and in a quite urban...

do you cut your own hair?
YES YES I do! If you want to know how to home cut a shag hair cut, long or short, it is very easy and I will describe the steps below: 1....

you are not very nice
I agree! I live with myself and I am not as nice as I want to be. I am pretty blunt and straightforward, detail focussed, while wanting...

what is quiet revolution?
If you are following along with the micro details of my business life (which I know a few of you are nerds for), you might remember that...
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