YES, yes there is. But then in other cases no, not at all.
Some readers are really jealous of you & want your space, your time, personal information, an attempt to understand why you & not them in some cases ...
Some readers are AOK with you until they realize you’re good, and then they get threatened, and can get competitive.
Jealousy happens. People like to think that tarot readers are spiritual and therefore, not petty.
Tarot readers can be petty just like anyone else.
But you can also chose not to be. Some readers are really open & non competitive & want to get along & aren’t threatened.
It kind of boils down to fear & insecurity in some cases too ... people do stupid things when they are afraid. They can turn against people that could be working with .... .
and those same people can be super generous and open and healing beams of light when they’re in a good place.
Don’t put anyone on a pedestal, including your tarot reader! I try to choose a good path and to use my gifts in a good way, but just because you are “spiritual” does not mean you are infallible.
Background fabric by @cestlavievintage .